Submit your picture!
Mail your info and a picture WHERE YOU SHOW CLOWN LOVE (facepaint, holding an ICP cd, wearing Psy clothing, showing your clown tattoo, caught in the act of killing some prep-ass mothafacko, whatever) to get listed! No digital manips! Normal picture without you showing clown love = no entry. It can take up to a week till you are on the site. Don't expect yourself shining on Page 1,..if there are many Ninjas dropping their profiles you can be on one of the first few check it out..
Info: Nick, real name, birthdate, location, fav CD, fav song, your website, email, AIM/ICQ/MSN, Weapon Of Choice and your quote.
Nick: Lil' Mikey Myers
Real name: Reed
Birthdate: 31 10 1976
Fav CD: Original Mostastless
Fav song: Bury Me Alive
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: At your nugget
Weapon Of Choice: I got this big old butcher knife...
Nick: Nay~Nay, The Guy, 21
Real name: Nathan John Crawford
Birthdate: 11 10 1985
Location: Berwyn, Illionis
Fav CD: Jeckel Brothers
Fav song: Bitches, Homies
Email: jailto:[email protected] ([email protected])
AIM/ICQ/MSN: MSN: Sugarbear081902
Weapon Of Choice: My girlfriend's rusty axe that she lost and be bending over bare ass!
Quote: "Aiiiiii mammi, ohhh ahhhh ooooo" "OYEEEE"
Nick: Hack Jeckel
Real name: ?
Birthdate: 23 06 1986
Location: Enfield, Connecticut
Fav CD: Ringmaster
Fav song: Nosferatu
Website: (click here)
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: Ctjuggalo429mcl
Quote: "Nosferatu is more then a vampire"-Mr.Bones
Nick: Philbrick
Real name: Mike
Birthdate: 29 06 1983
Location: Manchester/Windsor Locks ct
Fav CD: None of them (jk)
Fav song: Lalala, Why the children
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: Butter fly knife
Quote: Zug suks and that suks MUTHA fucks
Nick: Sykotik and Ninjalo
Real name: Danny and John
Birthdate: 21 08 86 - 18 12 85
Location: Pueblo, Co
Fav CD: Dark Lotus
Fav song: Juggalo family
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM:axejuggalo17 - sycksyde6six6
Weapon Of Choice: A fuckin axe
Quote: Remember to allways fuck off
Nick: Salty Balls
Real name: Ryan
Birthdate: 03 09 1987
Location: Nevada
Fav CD: The Great Milenko
Fav song: Pass Me By
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: A muthafuckin carton of cigarettes
Quote: > I live, pray, and die for the Carnival
Nick: Madroxide
Real name: Steve
Birthdate: 07 03 1987
Location: Atlanta
Fav CD: Freek Show
Fav song: Juggalo Family, I Wanna Die, Swarm, Juggalo Anthem, Nosferatu, Tha World is Hell
Email: [email protected]
AIM/ICQ/MSN: AIM: CarnEvilFreekSho YAHOO: devil_may_cry_3787
Weapon Of Choice: Anything sharp
Quote: "I'm in a hurry goin nowhere." ~ Violent J
Nick: Cartoon Violence
Real name: Adam Wakeling
Birthdate: 05 10 1982
Location: Winsfor, Cheshire, UK
Fav CD: Riddlebox
Fav song: I'm Coming home
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: Chainsaw
Quote: "There is no reasoning with a person who is without reason"
Nick: 2Face
Real name: Ken
Birthdate: 22 12 1984
Location: Kristiansund, Norway
Fav CD: All of them
Fav song: Foo Dang, Let's Go All The Way, Second Hand Smoke, Mutant X
Email: mailto;[email protected] ([email protected])
Quote: "Im mentally ill, all I wanna do is Murda Murda Murda, Kill Kill Kill"
Nick: Creepindahearse
Real name: ??
Birthdate: Miami,FL
Location: 30 04 1981
Fav CD: All
Email: [email protected]
Weapon Of Choice: My soopa wang
Quote: Keep in yo click fuck the outside