You've said it Ashley! Just because thay hate eachother doesn't mean you have to be a sheep and do the same... be yourself and like whoever you want to like. As long as you're down with the clowns, I don't care. But just to get this straith: I'm not a Eminem lover, I just think you've got to have your own opinions. So no hatemail please!  |
WAIT DONT READ MY MESSAGE BELOW THIS ONE!!! i take it back! i thought you were calling me a lesbian...sorry! |
i am not a fuckin lesbian thats disgusting...and i am sorry for not knowing why they hate eachother...exscuse me dont have to be such a prick about it just because ICP hates eminem doesnt mean i have to hate him too and if that doesnt make me a juggalo i dont care cause i will still like them no matter what. |
sorry juggalos its me again, i feel pissed when someone insults my family, and hottest s.o.b. wut the hell? sucker of balls? is that wut u mean? |
sup y'all, mmfcl, its me again juggaloshank, kevin? wut the hell? either ur parents dont know how 2 name a bitch(which isnt a name i usually use 4 women but u....) or ur a gay faggot with feminem. wait no a lesbian, u both are girls. ashley, icp and slim anus hate eachother because awhile back champtown and eminem fucked 2gether and made music withthere asses. champtown told icp that they sucked, so in icps song, never had it made, j dissed champtown(now im sleepin in the gutter, right next to champtowns mother) and that insulted aftermath. so the aftermath faggots attempted 2 diss icp, with the song by the band they had goin, skitzo, with a song called fuck da clownz. eminem had blow up dolls of the wicked clownz and after he masturbated 2 them he say they sucked and rip him up and one of his gay pornflick concrts, after that, they created, slim anus, and from then on, its war. sorry i made u read so much juggalos and lettes. i luv y'all. mmcl psycopathic forever byyyyyyyyyyyyyatch |
yo what up juggalo's and juggalettes? i just want to give a shout out to all my real psychopathic people, always remember that runnin with the hatchet is the only way to go, so if you feel me, hit me up with an e-mail mutha facko's! hatchet luv till i die, word to the psychopathic family! |
ICP and the rest of the family kick ass.
Juggalos and Juggalettes are the coolest fuckas in the world.
peace out |
Kevin, unleash your lips from Eminem's mouth while typing and it whould make it a lot's more easier to breath, whouldn't it?
i have heard many different reasons for why ICP and eminem hate eachother and i didnt really believe any of them so does anyone know why eminem and ICP hate eachother for real? thanks! ~*Ashley*~ |
And what the fuck is your major malfunction? |
I hate icp, i think they really love eminem. The dark carnival sucks. I love slim shady, he's the hottest s.o.b if i ever heard. i would like to be mrs. slim shady , which i could be only if icp loved faggots. |
okay, i knw im not the webmaster but i have some shit 2 say. 1st killa bee, wuddo ya mean dying race? juggalos are dead, we the mudda fuckin rebels ah the dead byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyatch. and icp sux, sux? your mamas fillin in that job r i g h t now. u know she sort of reminds me of a mosquito, except when u slap a mosquito itll sttop sucking!!!!!!! fuck off!!!!! juggalos 4 life
mmfcl |
wud up my juggalos, juggalettes? i luv u guys, we a family, and eminem sux major asssss!!! and yes, he insulted our family, it does make u less of a juggalo to like that ass blaster |
Why not? Just because ICP and Eminem had an argument, doensn't mean you can't like his music or are a less juggalo/juggalette. If anyone says you are, he should shut up, because that's not what being a Juggalo is about: hatin' Eminem. |
I have a question...if you like ICP, twiztid and everyone else at psychopathic records BUT you also like eminem does that not make you a juggalo? Cause i love the both of them and i am not sure whether to consider myself a juggalo or not. What do you guys think? would i be a juggalo or not? |
Monoxide child is so freaken is everyone else at psychopathic records. i love you guys...ICP, twiztid, blaze, anybody killa.big money hustlas was the shit and i cant wait for big money rustlas!!!! ~*Ashley*~ |
Yeah, this new lay-out is tha shit! I especially looove that new banner of yours (you're welcome ). Keep up tha good work webmaster! Clown-4-life x Juggalova x |
You win your is better!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
The new layout is Phat..but its a little 2 blue...change the backroud or something! |
Wud up,
now listen here im a real juggalo i have dog beats (if u don't know what that is fuck off!)so u can lern somthin from me to all u juggalos out there keep representen |